A hat that looks the same as the day that it was issued
Is a hat that ... well it ain't quite right with God
You see it's just a piece of head gear fit only for inspection
Till it's seasoned right with diesel, sweat and sod
Till it's been scratched along the brim from the wire run in the shipyard
Or run over by a standard Navy tire
Or it gets a little sooty when you knocked it off your head
Sucking rubber as you fought a Main space fire.
Till it's shaded your two peepers from the South Pacific sun
Or the white and cold and blinding Arctic snow
Or been used as a play toy as you held your new born baby
For the first time on the pier so long ago.
Yes it was shining like a diamond when your family saw you off
And looked like hell the day you pulled back in
But every ding was earned with honor .. and some a heavy cost
That stains not rust ... but the blood of a fallen friend.
No, for sure it's not as pretty as when you pulled it from the box
But I'll tell you with the view from where I'm at
Each and every work'en Khaki who lays eyes upon your prize
Will with honor say "Now brother, that's a Hat!"