Navy Hymn CPO Verse

A year ago (14 July 2003, to be precise) I was in Norfolk, VA undergoing outprocessing from my moblization for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM/OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM. I had been informed of my selection as a Chief-Selectee on 1 July in Bahrain, and in all the exciting and scary emotional turbulence of being selected and coming home from a hostile fire zone, in the middle of the night of 14 July I awoke with the following words running through my head to the tune of the Navy Hymn:

Eternal Father, bless Thy Chiefs
Who guide and lead with firm beliefs
In Courage, Commitment and Honor bright.
Strengthen with Thy holy might
Those who wear the anchors of the CPO.
O, guard them, Lord, where're they go.

YNC Bernadette M. Crumb USNR

Last Preventive Maintenance December 30, 2005