More pictures from the Jacksonville Muster
The thumbnail pictures below are linked to very large (500k each) high dpi pictures. They will print out great but will take awhile to download.
GLC, DooDah and Jim Brookman
2 Star and Carl Peters
OB and GLC Bear
Waiting for the Ship Tour
Ship Tour Group Photo
Chiefer, JohnE, Harold and Walt
Harold and Walt
Big Dave Gholson and Donna
Pat Sisler
OB and JohnE
Pat, Lady Anne, Barb, Robin and pat
April's cigar
April's cigar part deux
Peggy Sanders (LPABF)
Big Dave, Lady Anne and Pat
Big Dave, Lady Anne and Pat
Greg Brown (Builder) and Janet
Harold, Kim Theisen (xcheezhd), Stephanie Beckkard, Robin
BBQ at the CPO Club
BBQ at the CPO Club