Goat Locker Get Together Las Vegas Sept 2005
Well the annual Goatlocker get together is over again for this
year. I want to thank JohnE for all his efforts for this
NAME Rate HANDLE Location
- April Maletz CTAC Crypie Chief(Act) Virginia Beach
- Mike Bartik ENC RPM Versailles, OH
- Jess Miller DPC DooDah Wichita, KS
- John Ellett RMC JohnE Merced, CA
- Nancy O'Bryhim RMC OB Jacksonville, FL
- Andy Nobles NCCM Andy(Act)and wife Norwich, CT
- Clark Osbornn ENC Ozzie and wife Buckeye, AZ
- Clint Steed PMCM PMCM and wife SandyEggo
- Tom Landreth HMC Chiefer and wife Tucson, AZ
- Lou Garza SHCM Master Jefe Corpus Christi, TX
- Nick Freischlag ITC(SW)Fresh(Act) Ft. Bragg, NC
- Max Schwald DCC Chief 65 and wife Sutherlin, OR
- John Rich AKCS JC Bellingham, WA
- John Rich, Jr. ADCS JC Jr and wife Poway, CA
- Billie Cabbage DPCS LibertyHound w/wife son Springfield,
- Walter Blackburn YNC YoYo and wife Sierra Vista, AZ
- Tom Burden ADC TomADC and wife SandyEggo
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