All non-CPO Selectee entries will be deleted.
Note: All Deck Log entries are approved
before they are posted so don't waste your
time signing if you are not a CPO Selectee.
Your entry must include your full name.
Your rank/rate in this format MMC(SS)(SEL) the (SEL) is REQUIRED.
Your current duty station (past duty stations can also be inputed if
desired). Though not required it is recommended
you use the comment section to thank some of those who got you to
this point in your career.
You can add an entry to the Deck Log, by sending an email to the webmaster/founder of MMCM(SS) Greg Peterman USN Ret. The email subject line is FY 2024 Selectee. Please format your email to include the following entry format. Your emails are manually put into this Deck Log so it may take a day or so for them to appear.